The Fence: A journey along the borders of Europe

A multimedia report by Benjamin Stöß (Cologne) and Dietmar Telser (Koblenz).

For their research, the two journalists Dietmar Telser and Benjamin Stöß followed the external borders of Europe for three months. They talked to refugees, border police officers and activists in Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Morocco and Turkey. These talks led to the multimedia report The research was supported in part by crowdfunding.

Dietmar Telser was born 1974, raised in South Tyrol and studied in Vienna, Göttingen and Hamburg. He works as a political editor at the Rhein-Zeitung in Koblenz and took a leave of absence to realize the project.

Benjamin Stöß was born 1978 in Kamp-Lintfort, graduated from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne and works as a freelance photo journalist as well as employee of the Käte Hamburger Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities “Law as Culture”.